From an early age, Rohn’s knowledge of construction started to grow long before entering the industry. His dad worked at the Axtell lumberyard and Rohn helped him rebuild a rental house on the family’s property. After graduating from Axtell High School, Rohn worked at a gas station for a year before joining the Air Force. While in the Air Force, Rohn primarily worked on Air Refuelers and gained much experience in mechanics in which would later become a great asset to AHRS. When Rohn returned to the area after the Air Force, he worked in Marysville doing concrete work and helped to build a new house. One day, Jerry Stallbaumer “Big Dog” called Rohn to tell him Dan Stallbaumer and Don Rottinghaus were needing extra help on a large project building nuclear plant training center floors. Rohn accepted this request for help and continued working for AHRS over the next 5 years as a concrete laborer. After a brief break in service, Rohn returned to AHRS in 1994 as an operator. During his time as an operator, he pumped over 126,000 yards of concrete. In 2009, Rohn became the Shop Superintendent and has filled this role throughout the rest of his career with AHRS. As Shop Superintendent, Rohn has maintained and operated countless vehicles, equipment, and tools used for construction. His vast knowledge in the industry as well as mechanics is impressive and difficult to match. Rohn’s contribution to AHRS over the past 30 years is immeasurable and honorable.

Latest News / October 31, 2016
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